Thursday, September 23, 2010

Say no to bullying

In third grade, I experienced a dreadful bullying ever. Merilia is a
nasty person who bullied me and every girl in my class. This took
place in my old school. I told my teacher that she has been really
mean. She calls me names like "idiot, loser, stupid chicken," and
tells everyone to leave me out of any games and conversations and
teases me. One fine day, it got so serious that I freaked out in front
of my class when I had to give my presentation. I never told my mom
how badly I was treated. She made everyone hate me and no one spoke to
me for about a month they only spoke me only when they had to.

If this ever happens again, I will be courageous enough to stand up
for myself and not keep it a secret for such a long time. I will
respond in a different way by demanding her to stop calling me names
and if she still does not stop, I will tell the principle and my mom.
I am certain that my mom will do something about it. None of my
classmates or friends helped me in my dreaded situation, unlike in
ISKL, my friends here support me through out my difficulties in

When you have a problem, you should tell someone that will be in a
position to help you. Moreover, I will not allow people to walk all
over me, speak over me or call me names. When are friends disagree, we
should encourage them to mend their relationship.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


     Courage is an ability to face difficulty,danger, or pain, as it is a  physical or mental challenge. The  Old French meaning of courage is  from "cuer", which means "heart."

     Last year during the Night of the Notables,we had to perform infront of the whole school, speaking about people who stand up for their rights. I felt nervous and frightened but my friends encouraged me to overcome my fear. With some hesitation I spoke out loud to the sea of people. Everyone paid attention to our speech and the audience was still and quiet.  Although I was petrified and paralyzed with fear, I was brave enough to perform in front of strangers who were staring at me when I spoke. I built up my strength and confronted my fears as I thought about the foot steps my subject, Rosa Parks, standing up for her moral rights. It occurred to me that my fears were so minute compared to Rosa Parks. For her it meant her life.

      Rosa Parks was the Notable I choose, she confronted courage as well as Martin Luther King Jr, John F Kennedy, Gandhi, Nelson Mandala and more. It is a matter of life or death for the people named above to show their courage in their own way who makes them a Notable.

Courage is bravery,
Courage is absence of fear,
Courage is standing up for the rights of others I hear.

Courage is caring,
Courage is love,
Courage is all of the things above.