Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sara's Movie Trailer

This is a video on a movie trailer that I did in humanities about Ancient Egypt and the different Gods that ruled there in a dynasty... Here is the link of my video...

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hope you like it... again thanks for watching this video

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I thought that the school year went by so fast. Well at least faster than other grades. I am now going to share you some things that we did and I did in 6th grade this year.

This year in 6th grade, we did a lot of things and projects that was to do with group work. However, I think I didn't do well on my literate circle as much as I did on the most recent project which we just finished (tick-tack-toe). We were supposed to do a project on China and basically the religion dynasties and the geography in Ancient China. I think I did well because in the beginning of the year, I didn’t do as much work as I did for the tick-tack-toe thingy. The thing is that I don’t really know why I did better.

For me, I had some challenges through our this year. First of all, I thought that the lit circles was hard, but as I practiced it, I think it is not hard any more. Another thing that I thought was challenging was the first tick-tack-toe firstly because I didn't like that book that we had to do a tick-tack-toe on and I tend to not focus when I don't like that subject but that rally happens. The book that we were doing the tick-tack-toe on was called Call It Courage. I didn't really like that book and so I kinda didn't do a lot of work. I just helped edit one part and that is all I did. My partners were called Esme and Nick.

Reflecting on my growth this year, I learned a lot of things about my self as a learner. A way that helped us learn this year was when we did this thing to find your profile and I didn't know that I was profile '' I '' which I thought was kind of cool. Everyone now knows what their type of learner they are because we studied about that.
To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations): your work habits, (and provide explanations.

Behavior- I think my behavior was satisfactory through out this year but some how, I think I could have improved in a way which I am not sure of but also I think I did not say anything that was not polite and I didn't disrupt the class and I didn't interrupt my teacher in class when he was talking. If I did, it would have been rarely.

Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to do a little more than I am expiated in work and humanities especially because I am only doing what I am supposed to do but I also want to write more about what I am supposed to write about to get a better grade.

Goal 2- Another goal that I have that I could improve the next year is my organization because in the beginning of the year, I didn't really complete my lititure circles on time and I think I have to work on that task.

I was asked if I had anything else to let my teachers know, but I don't think I have anything else to say about myself during this year.

There were somethings that I though was fun this year. I think that was the diary entrys because I thought it was a good experience and I could also learn more about the person I was told to do which was a peasant and I think it was one of the most essayist thing that my class did. That is because I do my own diaries at home for fun and I also like doing them.

I was supposed to tell what I enjoyed about the diary and I think I enjoyed the fact that when we finished the diary enteries, we could have decorated it to be old and or put it on a blog which is what I did because when I did made it as a book, it was ripped a part and so I thought it was better to do it on the internet/blog same thing.

We were told to tell what we could have spent a little time on and this is what I think. Well, there are many things that I could have spent on but here is one of the things which I thought we should have worked on this year in 6th grade. I think we could have worked on the diaries more because we didn't have that mush time but I finished it on time. However, I still wished we were given a bit more time so that I could work on other homework as well as doing the diary. Those are my thoughts.

There are many advises that I would have give to the class of 2018. Here are some thoughts or advises. First of all, for the lit circles, if they still do them, you should always do one box a day. Second of all, you should share it the minute you open the document if not you might forget to share it with your teacher which is what I once did. Lastly, you should always also back up your work because you might lose your work which happened to my friend a few times (not mentioning any names though...)

By: Sara