Monday, August 15, 2011

Sara Goei's Poem


Line 12: Who is a resident of...
Line 13: Your last name
Example Bio-Poem

Who is an only child,
Who loves Justin Bieber, Big time rush, and my family,
Who feels exited about 7th grade,
Who feels exited to go on field trips,
Who feels exited to meet new people,
Who needs to have a better organised planner,
Who needs to have a face book account,
Who needs to have another child from my mom because it gets boring around home,
Who gives extra money to the poor when we have tag days,
Who gives help for people when they need it,
Who gives people luck when there about to do something extraordinary,
Who fears insects,
Who fears wild bares
Who fears mud,
Who would like to see Justin Bieber in real life,
Who would like to see Victoria Justice,
Who would like to see The movie Smurfs,
Who shares items if needed,
Who shares love to my family.
Who shares happiness and joy around certain people
Who is a daughter of Kit Ong,
Who is really in love with Justin Bieber,
Who is a girl who wears glasses
Who is not a resident of ISKL,KL,Thailand,