Thursday, October 28, 2010

1. What role did geographic location and natural resources play in the the development of Malaysia?

Malaysia is a peninsula that is strategically located between the straits of Malacca, the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It is divided into two regions:Peninsula Malaysia, and Sabah and Sarawak(the East Malaysia)  This country is a very convenient stop for Western traders as ships are able to cross over from the Indian Ocean to the  Pacific Ocean.For the past few centuries, the Dutch and the English were able to conduct business since they could cut across from the West and become a gateway to the East. Malaysia is on the equator which is one of the hottest part of the world. The British colonized Malaysia because of our maritime boundaries with Singapore, Vietnam and the Philippines and many other countries. The Straits Settlements or Malacca is a trading hub which is the key to the reason the British colonized this important country.

After independence from the British, Malaysia grew at a rate of 6.5% yearly for the last 50 years because of our natural resources.The development of Malaysia is due to the huge reserves of natural resources such as:  Natural Rubber,palm oil, pepper, electronic equipment, Textile and apparels, timber and timber products, wooden furniture, Petroleum crude oil and LNG and tin. We are able to export raw materials and manufacture in our country. We have diverse capabilities which fueled us economically to be one of the most successful nations today.

The most important natural resources in Malaysia is the human capital or people. Malaysia has skilled laborers and educated citizens to support the development of this country. The combination of the strategic location and the natural resources promoted our country to the success of this nation. Additionally, Malaysia has no natural disasters like blizzards, earthquakes, volcanos or floods.All these factors contributes to the nation success.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Mud Times. By Sara MudSkipper

A group called 6C is coming to plant mangrove saplings today. I've heard they are giants! "They're coming!" yelled mother. I watched as they arrived wearing boots. They started stepping on our pets! "Cuddly Crab is dead!" my brother moaned. Suddenly one of the giants sank into the mud. People yelled and tried to help the other giant up out of the mud. One of the giants was just about of the mud when it started to sink really deep! They are very heavy. More of my friends started being stepped on and hurt! I was so sad! My best friend was being searched for by her parents but was nowhere to be found.

Very little of them stayed on the logs and pathways and followed the guides rules. Most of them wandered off the path, sank, and yelled for help. They're not very smart! One boy went to the end and back safely. Then he went back again, just to help one boy. How brave! I heard his name was Alex or Alexander.  Turns out he was the cleanest by the end. I wonder with so much mud how can he go in twice and not be the muddiest?

People continued to slip and fall.  It was a disaster for the people.  However, they were supposed to plant more saplings instead of killing them when the fell. Some people fell face first into the mud.  Most of them got injuries. People come every month but this lot had to be the clumsiest bunch we had ever seen.

I think that planting more mangrove saplings is a good idea, but unfortunately people get injured a lot. People are heavy and clumsy and should be much more careful when planting mangroves saplings. This is my personal opinion, not that it will make a difference. Thank you for reading this article, The Mud Times.