Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My learning profile

These past few days,we have been learning about our profiles and how we learn.This post is going to be about my learning profile.You might learn how I can achieve my highest goal in learning in the passages below.It will give you a better detail about my strategies of learning.

Learning Profiles:

1.)I learn best when I combine all three ways of learning which are:Visual,kinesthetic and auditory. When I am reading, I need to say it out loud or nothing will sink in. My primary learning skill is auditory.Secondly,I do like fiddling as it helps me to concentrate more in class.When I fiddle with something,and I tend to listen easier. One of the things that I prefer to touch is my pencil or pen when I am focusing,which also means that I am a kinesthetic learner. When they tested me a few years ago,they found that I learn best through my auditory and visual skills.Pictures and bright colors help me understand more too.

2.) I need to have movement when I am trying to learn.I often rock my chair back and forth and need to fiddle with something and I am easily distracted when people are talking or moving.My best way to learn is by jumping.For example,I learned how to say jump in Italian because my cousin and I were playing a jumping game and that word is stuck in my head.That is because I jumped and said that word many times out loud.However,I enjoy listening to pop music in a low and soft volume.

3.) The strategies that would help me in my learning is to repeat what I have learn a few times. Repetition reenforces facts into my brains so I can process and remember.If I have a tough time remembering things,I relate it to something else.For example,in our history text book, a tough word like Australopithecus,I remember Australia. I also have to have a clean desk so that nothing distracts me. Bullet points helps me tidy up my thoughts.

4.)I would like my teachers to know this about me.I listen better on my left ear and my right hand is my dominate hand.This means that I tend to use my right brain more than my left brain.This picture below tells me that I am more of a Holistic thinker,intuitive,creative,and art and musically inclined.I need to heighten my analytical thoughts,logic,language and science and math.

My right foot is my dominate side and my left eye is my master eye which is strange because I had a lazy left eye.I have learned something about me which was interesting.This was one of my favorite exercise on the blog so far.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Resolutions and snapshots


This year my gaol is to help others and I also do need to help my self but i'll help others more when I am finish with my task. I will not do their work for them, I will just help them on what I know.Although,I will help anyone who needs help to find something when I am not busy.Last year,I didn't really help others that much because I wasn't asked to.
My other goal this year is to be better at my sports because I would like to find two sports that I am good at and I enjoy and sports are something entertain me and that is one of the things I  on my spare time. I am good at basketball and swimming but I would like to be better at other sports. I think swimming is my favorite sport and I think I will swim more often and stay fit.

One of my favorite memories over the Christmas Holidays is when I opened my presents in italy.We opened it early in the morning. My favorite presents are silly bands. For Christmas,I received hair clips, silly bands,and things that I wished to have.I spent my Christmas with my family in Italy.I think Italy snows a lot but it snowed the day after I left to Malaga.
My second favorite place that I went to was Seville and in Seville,something called Flamenco is very famous there.It is a type of dancing.They where poca dot dresses and has a furious factional expressions and they use tap dancing as one of their talents.