Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Religion Response:

A 'good' life has meaning.

Would I agree to this statement? Maybe. Could be. Depends. 50-50 (half/half). For now, I think my life is good but then it might develop a true meaning to me. Some peoples meanings in life could be to spread blessing around the entire world in the name of Jesus. Im guessing those people are good and it does have a lot of meaning to that person. I would be honest by saying that life doesn’t really have to have means to have a good life. What really counts in your life is that you must have a reason to keep you busy in the days. To me life is great and it doesn’t necessarily need to have a meaning to some people. This concludes my reason as to why I think I am a 50-50 (half-half) however, it can be good if it doesn’t have any yet though. Since I explained I think is a true meaning in life, well maybe, I want it to happen to me soon and for meanings that are the things that could maybe have a difference in a world to make me a better person.

By: Sara Goei

1 comment:

  1. You describe about a good life has meaning you said that some people have meaning and some other people don't have meaning and you said and explained how you don't agree with that statement and that is very good so you did a good job and you caught my attention and I got every interested very fast. Loved it!!
