Wednesday, February 8, 2012


For this blog, we were assigned to talk about Hitler. The questions that we were supposed to answer were:
1. What are Civil rights? What are some that we have?
2.Why might some of Hitler's measures in ablating personal freedoms and Civil Rights be seen by some as a positive or necessary move?

Question one (a). Civil rights are when you are able to have rights of what you want to do. Somethings like freedom, be safe, have your own privacy when it is needed, able to have to sit in public transport without being judged by your race, be able to live where they want to, make freedom speeches and other speeches and much more. Question one (b). I think we have the rights to do all the things I listed above. Question two: Hitler's measures in ablating personal freedoms and Civil Rights be seen by some as a positive or necessary move is because some people thought when Hitler said that a building was burning which was set by a fire and that they thought it was fair to abolish their rights to do what ever they wanted such as the things I listed for what Civil rights mean. Another example is that Hitler thought that he could make the world be a better place but in the end he ended being the one who started world war two.

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