Tuesday, March 29, 2011

White Mountains

Dear family, citizens of Wherton,

I am sorry about the way that I left Wherton the way that I did and I wished I could have told you that I did but I did not have the courage to. A cuple of reasons why I left Wherton is what I am going to tell you about in this letter and by the way, there is no point in looking for me because you might never find me but me, Henry and Beanpole are great!

Well, like I said, I did leave home for many reasons, actually, just three reasons. I might have left home for more reasons, but I can't think of them all right now. Here are the reasons I know why I left home. First of all, Jack was my friend but until I knew that he was capped, that was when I decided to leave home. I missed the old Jack and I also wanted to leave the town or our home because of that and something else. I did not like the fact that Henry's mom passed away and that he had to live with me because I am not used to sleeping in the same room or actually sharing a room with any one because I am the only child. I also did not even like Henry one bit then, but since we are grown up we have a closer relation ship which is a great reason that he left with me. Also I met a person who’s name was Xhonpole but I can’t say that name so I call him Beanpole and he told me that there is a place that was full of non capped people living there and I do not want to get capped so I had a long journey.

Secondly, I am going to talk about choices in the world and the importancey of choices and the one that I reasonly had made. There are many choices in life that I could have made and one of them is chosing what you want in life, which for me is running a way from home, which I regreted not telling you and felt awful that I did. However, I had to get capped, but I didn’t want to. Luckily, I met Beanpole who told me where the people that wasn’t capped from and I wanted to go there.

Well, that comes to the end of my letter.

From Will.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The white mountains

Tripods controlled the people by capping them. They cap them by depositing a metal cap on the head of the people. However, they do have to be a certain age to be capped, which is around fourteen. Capping is also the time when you go from being a child to being an adult. You cannot do what ever you want because you are now capped or in other words, you will be controlled by people that cap you. Jack is finally capped and Will goes to talk to him about it. Will hesitated and blurted out, "what was it like?" Jack shook his head and told Will he was not permitted to talk about it. "I will promise you this though. It will not hurt and they do it for our good." The made it easy for the Tripods to control peoples thoughts and get them to do what they wanted.

Well, Will misses a girl which she likes in this book is called Eloise. Will can not be with her because she is capped. Being capped means to be controlled by someone with a cap in the persons head like a hat but instead, its a metal hat. One example that was said in chapter six was when Find evidence (quotes) to

the book said, " I wished Eloise was here." That is one of the quotes which I thought was why Will was frustrated about the comete, Comtesse and Eloise being capped in this story.

Lastly, the evidence that shows how Will feels about being capped is what this paragraph is going to be about. I think Will is sad to be capped because he does not have any freedom in his life anymore.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sara Goei's answer to How will Beanpole help Will and Henry on their journey to the White Mountains?

How will Beanpole help Will and Henry on their journey to the White Mountains?

First of all, who is Beanpole in this story do you wonder? Well, Beanpole's name is actually spelt Zhanpole which is a French name and they are in France which makes sence to have a local name when they are in France. Unfortunatlly, Will and Henry find it hard to say or prounce his name so then they came out of an easier name which they can actually say, which is Beanpole and I prefre the name Beanpole so I would use that name in this artical. If you are wondering why or how he helped Henry and Will along their journey then just keep on reading this artical and I hope it will help you understand how Beanpole helped Will and Henry along their journey.

Do you people wonder how Beanpole helped Henry and Will during the journey? The good thing is that he can speek both English and French. I think that he is also a smart person and he also helped helped Will and Henry a lot. That is because he gave instructions on how to get to the desrtination. He also told Will and Henry, his cousin if they are lost. The other thing that I think he helped Will and Hennry through out the journey so far is because Beapole made food for Will and Henry. Lastly, they have something in common. That is because they are in the same age group.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Is Will Like Me, You Ask?

In Humanities, we have been assigned to read a book called the Giver or The White Mountains. The book Mr. Thomas told me to read is The White Mountains. In this blog/article I am going to talk about how the character Will is like me. Or in other words, I'll tell you about what Will and I have in common. Many of the other students has told me they like this book and I definitely agree. I would recommend this book to people who like science fiction.

Will and I have some things in common and some things which are not in common. Will is a kind and passive person and I think I am a kind person at times. I wish I was kind all the time and it is something I am working on. Will shows his kindness when he wants to show his fathers watch to Jake. He wanted to share this with his friend. That is kindness to me. Will is also a passive person. That to me is someone who is too shy to stand up for his or herself. It usually depends on my mood if I want to be passive or aggressive. When Will and Henry were fighting I felt he could do more to stand up for himself. Also, when Henry moved into Will's house I thought that Will should have questioned his moving in more to his mother but he just let it happen.

Will and I are also around the same age and that is another thing we have in common. The one thing that I don't have in common and am really happy about is that I haven't been capped although, sometimes I feel like it at school when I am told what to do all the time. Capped means someone being in control of you.

That is what Will and I have in common. Again, you should read this book if you haven't yet. If you enjoy science fiction you will like it.