Friday, March 18, 2011

The white mountains

Tripods controlled the people by capping them. They cap them by depositing a metal cap on the head of the people. However, they do have to be a certain age to be capped, which is around fourteen. Capping is also the time when you go from being a child to being an adult. You cannot do what ever you want because you are now capped or in other words, you will be controlled by people that cap you. Jack is finally capped and Will goes to talk to him about it. Will hesitated and blurted out, "what was it like?" Jack shook his head and told Will he was not permitted to talk about it. "I will promise you this though. It will not hurt and they do it for our good." The made it easy for the Tripods to control peoples thoughts and get them to do what they wanted.

Well, Will misses a girl which she likes in this book is called Eloise. Will can not be with her because she is capped. Being capped means to be controlled by someone with a cap in the persons head like a hat but instead, its a metal hat. One example that was said in chapter six was when Find evidence (quotes) to

the book said, " I wished Eloise was here." That is one of the quotes which I thought was why Will was frustrated about the comete, Comtesse and Eloise being capped in this story.

Lastly, the evidence that shows how Will feels about being capped is what this paragraph is going to be about. I think Will is sad to be capped because he does not have any freedom in his life anymore.

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